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Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm having problems with Live One Care

We have not tested ContentWatch products for compatiblity issue's with Live One Care.

Even though we have had a handful of Live One Care user's calling about problems with One Care after installing NetNanny, we have no conclusive evidence that NetNanny is the cause of problems with One Care.

You can have NetNanny "ignore" One Care:
    Open MyComputer/Tools/Folder Options/View/Click the circle labeled “show hidden files and folders”. Below the option you have just selected, un-check the box labeled “hide file extensions”. Click “Ok”

    Open the NetNanny AdminTools. Open Overrides. Click the Applications tab. Click Browse. Browse to the main directory for Live One Care, and add all listed .exe's, and all .exe's in all the subdirectories.

    Reboot the computer.