When contacting support please provide your registration number and e-mail address used at the time of purchase.

Click ***here*** if you don't know where your registration number is.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Where is my registration number?

**These directions are assuming you have Net Nanny installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed please refer to the e-mail receipt you received at the time of purchase.**

First you need to ensure that the sys tray icons are not hidden:

1 - Right-click your START button.
2 - Left-click Properties
3 -
    WINDOWS XP - Click on Task Bar tab. At the bottom uncheck Hide Inactive Icons. Click Ok. Reboot the computer.

    WINDOWS VISTA - Click the Notifications Area tab. Uncheck Hide Inactive Icons. Click Ok. Reboot the computer.

    WINDOWS 7 - Click on the Task Bar tab. Down the right-hand side select the Customize button. In the new window, just above the Ok button select "always show all icons..." then Click Ok. Click Ok. Reboot the computer.

1 - After the computer is rebooted look in the lower right-hand corner of your monitor for the time. To the left of the time should be a group of small icons.
2 - Look for .
3 - Right-click this icon, left-click About. In here is your registration number.