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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What if I have ContentProtect and not NetNanny?

As of February 2007 ContentWatch, Inc. acquired the name NetNanny©

Upon this acquisition ContentWatch, Inc. renamed it's products for home customers to NetNanny.

The NetNanny product still has the same powerful, dynamic filtering and features of ContentProtect, it just has a new name.

The latest version of NetNanny is version 5.6.

To get the latest version of NetNanny installed:

ContentProtect 1.x users
1 - Click Start\Control Panel\Add - Remove Programs, highlight ContentProtect, remove it.
2 - Open MyComputer\Tools\Folder Options\View\Click the circle labeled “show hidden files and folders”. Below the option you have just selected, uncheck the box labeled “hide file extensions”. Click “Ok.”
3 - Click start\search (or Find)\Files and folders, type in CONTENTWATCH, click search (or find). When the search is finished delete the files that appear that have an icon of a Manila folder.
4 - Clearing files from the registry:
    1- Click 'start' then run and type REGEDIT
    2- Click on Registry\Export Registry File (or in WindowsXP click File/Export) make sure it’s saving in Desktop, then make sure the export range is ‘All’, for File Name type in REGBACK, click save.
    3- Click the ‘+’ for Hkey_Current_User\software, delete the ContentWatch folder.
    4- Go to Hkey_Local_Machine\software and delete the ContentWatch folder.
5 - Download/install NetNanny 5.6 from http://www.contentwatch.com/downloads.php?id=160

ContentProtect 2.x users
1 - Click Start\Control Panel\Add - Remove Programs, highlight ContentProtect, remove it.
2 - Open MyComputer\Tools\Folder Options\View\Click the circle labeled “show hidden files and folders”. Below the option you have just selected, uncheck the box labeled “hide file extensions”. Click “Ok.”
3 - Click start\search (or Find)\Files and folders, type in CONTENTWATCH, click search (or find). When the search is finished delete the files that appear that have an icon of a Manila folder.
4 - Download\install NetNanny 5.6 from http://www.contentwatch.com/downloads.php?id=160